"Unexpected Appointments"

Written: February 24, 2020

What an incredible Sunday I had yesterday. Of late I have been asking the Lord during my prayer and devotion times to help me be in tune with His Spirit and also as a kingdom minded prayer for the church to be in tune with what the Spirit is saying. My prayer has been that miracles, signs, and wonders would happen for the unbeliever to believe and know how real God is. It has been my prayer that when we lay hands on the sick in prayer, they would recover as the Word declares in Mark 16:17-18. Again, for one sole purpose to be that unbelievers would believe God is who He says He is.

Yesterday afternoon I had the honor of sharing my personal testimony in a service our church hosts each month at our local retirement home. Before I went an interesting thing happened. For lunch I picked up some chicken dinner from the grocery deli. As I made my way to the checkout, I passed the flowers.  I stopped when my eyes spotted the most beautiful hot-pink lilies. They were my favorite color and so hard to resist. Normally, I would just stop, drink in their scent and colors, but because of practicality I would not usually splurge our money on them. One of my girls said, “Oh, mom, they are only $9.99.” So I gave in to my urge and was so thrilled to take my bouquet home to enjoy. However, after purchasing them and walking out of the store, I felt a little nudge from the Lord that they weren’t for me. Inside I was like, really? By the time I arrived home I knew that I was to take them with me to the afternoon service where we would be ministering. I wasn’t sure who they were for, but I felt God would lead me. Did I feel slightly funny walking in with a vase of flowers? Yes, just a little twinge of uncertainty, but I refused to pay attention to it. We had a very nice service. I felt God’s anointing on His Word and it was truly a blessing to share my story. The reminder God loved and cared for them touched the ladies who came.  

I thought possibly the flowers were for one of them, but by the time I could get around to them the ladies had gone. So, I decided maybe they were for another lady who from our church had been in the rehab area of the same facility, but a different building. My husband and I walked over to the rehab building, but could not locate the lady’s room. A nurse asked if she could help me and I found out the lady I was looking for had moved away a couple days before. Then out of my norm a boldness came over me and I asked her if there was possibly someone else who would feel blessed to have flowers brought to them. She let me know there was a lady down the hall who would probably enjoy them. I made my way to her room and knocked on the door. As I entered and said hello, I let her know who I was and asked if she would like to have the flowers. She said yes. I lingered and asked her, if there was anything I could pray with her about. She pulled her hand out of the blanket tucked all around her and she said “Yes.” I took her hand, and we prayed together. Then I asked her if she was there permanently or temporarily. She said she’d be getting out in about two weeks so I gave her a church card with my name and phone number and explained to her that when she got out and wanted a great place to attend church, then we would help her get there.

I knew the Lord had let me know the flowers were not for me, but for someone else. So when it appeared like the one I thought they were for was a deadend I pursued it further because I knew God intended them for someone. God knows where that encounter will lead. But I have to say it was so much fun to be a blessing to someone else. When you have a nudge to do something out of the ordinary, just do it. I believe God wants to give us all more divine appointments and if we are listening and in tune with His Spirit who knows where that path may lead. Asking, “Is there anything I can pray with you about?” is easy. It’s not complicated and people can either answer with a simple yes or no. We all have needs in our life and it is comforting to know others care to take the time to pray with us about those needs. We prayed together for continued strength and healing in her body. God is a great Father who knows just what we need. Yes, he cares about your situation. Nothing takes Him by surprise. Nothing is too small or big for Him. Keep believing and trusting. I told the ladies at the service yesterday, if I had not gone through the ordeal of sickness in my life I would not have been able to stand there and share my personal account to them of how God still performs miracles today.

What’s your story? I encourage you to ask God to lead you to share it with others so they too may believe and know how real God is.

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